Immerse yourself in a cultural journey using the ‘COLLIOURE, LE VOYAGE COMMENCE’ app, and discover a ‘NEW PLAYROOM’ at the Vitrine sur le fauvisme shop. We’d like to tell you more!

The interactive and tactile terminal

People of all ages, step inside and discover the “artistic constellation” touch screen. You’ll be surrounded by the artists, artworks and artistic movements of the 19th and 20th centuries that have made Collioure the City of Painters!
A veritable mine of cultural information, this well-documented tool is available in English and Spanish. You’ll be able to browse profiles of artists from the last century, discover the artistic movements positioned on a timeline and learn about the work of many different artists. This fun and educational terminal is suitable for all ages!

The Collioure application
The “COLLIOURE, the journey begins” application (available on Apple: “Apple Store or Android “Play Store”), also available in English and Spanish, offers you an original and unusual way to discover Collioure with Henri Matisse and André Derain.

Download app
Explore the town with a customisable itinerary featuring a number of points of interest “Audio”, “Scripted film”, “Paintings”, “Reading landscapes”, admire the views from above thanks to drones that give you an incredible view of the most beautiful
scenery of Collioure from the skies. You can easily find them on the map displayed on your screen.

Don’t worry, no order or specific trail is imposed… You decide on the pace, the places you visit… For a more comfortable stroll around Collioure, bring along headphones.
Key information before coming:
Where can I find the Vitrine sur le Fauvisme?
All information about the Fauvism Showcase can be found here
Is there a brochure on guided tours?
Click here for more information about this brochure
Is there a cultural application for Collioure?
For more information on the ‘Collioure le voyage commence’ application, click here
How to get to Collioure ?
Here you’ll find all the information you need to get to Collioure and around Collioure
What’s the weather like in Collioure ?
Click here to see the weather forecast for Collioure
What are the market days in Collioure?
The Collioure market takes place on Wednesday mornings and Sunday mornings at the Place du Maréchal Leclerc. Find out more about the markets
Is there a page with all the frequently asked questions?
Click here for a list of frequently asked questions.
Can I download the Collioure brochures?
Find all our brochures here
Can I download a map of Collioure?
Find the map of Collioure here
Is there a cultural application for Collioure?
For more information on the Collioure application, click here