Download the “Collioure, the journey begins!”

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- Unique visit via a fun application

- Many points of interest: audio, scripted film, paintings, landscape readings, drone views

- No circuit is imposed

- Application usable on site or from home

- Immersive journey


The "" COLLIOURE, the journey begins "" application (available on Apple: "" Apple Store "" or Android "" Play Store ""), offers you a unique and atypical discovery of Collioure in the company of Henri Matisse and André Derain.

Explore the city thanks to a tailor-made itinerary made up of several points of interest ""Audio"", ""scripted film"", ""Paintings"", ""Landscape readings"" , gain a little height thanks to the drone views which offer you a incredible view of the most beautiful views of Collioure. You will easily find them on the map displayed on your screen.

Rest easy, no order, no circuit is imposed ... You decide the pace, the places... For a stroll in Collioure and for more comfort, bring headphones.

A journey that you can also watch from home.

Download the app now to explore this immersive journey without further delay!

- On Apple

- On android

These systems were co-financed by the Occitanie Region and European funds.


Office De Tourisme De Collioure, Place Du 18 Juin


From 01/01/0001 to 30/06/2024


  • french