Itinerary Antonio Machado

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Seville, Soria, Baeza, Segovia, Rocafort and Collioure have in common to have been the place of residence and part of the life of Antonio Machado, republican poet. - Seville: 1875 - 1883 - Soria: 1907 - 1912 - Baeza: 1912 - 1919 - Segovia: 1919 - 1932 - Rocafort: 1936 - 1938 - Collioure: 1939

On the French Mediterranean coast, very close to the Spanish border, the small fishing port of Collioure has the privilege of hosting the cemetery in which Antonio Machado rests. This poet found refuge in this village when he fled the Franco dictatorship . He died on February 22, 1939 , a month after leaving Barcelona. As for his mother, who had accompanied him, she died a few days later, on February 25, 1939.

Collioure itinerary :

- La Casa Quintana : An emblematic pension in Collioure which has seen many famous painters such as Survage , Duffy , Matisse ... It is here that the Machado family stayed when they arrived in Collioure. Since 1946, a marble plaque in memory of the poet has been visible from the outside. This pension is closed to the public.
- The Tomb of Antonio Machado : In the old village cemetery , the poet's tomb does not go unnoticed. It is very often flowery and collects many poems and cards of all types. In addition, during one night, two women came glued a ceramic reminiscent of the last lines of the poem Retrato..
- The Royal Castle : It welcomed the Spanish Republicans considered dangerous.
- The Church of Our Lady of the Angels is to have inscribed on its pediment the republican motto "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity".
Find here the brochure "Itinerary of Machadian Cities" and the " Passport "



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