Scuba diving from the port of Argelès-sur-Mer, passing through Collioure, Port-Vendres, Banyuls-sur-Mer, to Cerbère.

Duration: 1h30 Difficulty: Easy.
  • Below the Fortress of Collioure there is a small dry out of the water covered with mussels hence the name " la Moulade ". This site offers accessibility for all and a great diversity.
  • For lovers of aquatic hikes, the fact that the rocky plateau is not deep gives us easier access from the surface to discover starfish , sea urchins , octopus and lots of fish . Going up to 9 meters deep, you can meet a seahorse .
  • By going 15 meters deep, we meet a reef full of life , we discover the "houses" of lobsters , mostelles and conger eels .By looking closely at the top of the "potatoes", between parazohantus and hydraires , we can meet all kinds of colored slugs , thuridilles , giant dories , flabellines and the banyulensis endemic to our coast.
  • Approaching the surface, we see the rock which is split in two. The wall on the left is impressive, it is covered with sponges . Going inside the fault we can observe barracudas and mules . We end in a most pleasant atmosphere.
To learn more click here .


Collioure, France
